Town Parks

Whiteface Mountain

Whiteface Mountain is a year round attraction to all ages. Whether it’s amazing skiing, hiking, biking, or taking a relaxing scenic ride up the gondola to the peak of lower Whiteface. For those who don’t want to get out of the car you can take a trip up the summit of Whiteface Mountain enjoying scenic views along the way and ending up at the castle where an elevator waits to take you to the summit! (elevator is not always in operation, contact Whiteface for daily info) Memorial Highway open Memorial Day to Columbus Day approximately.

Lake Everest Beach

This is one of Wilmington’s hot spots in the summer! It is a chance for people to get out of their house, go to the river (or Lake Everest as some call it) and relax or take a swim. There are picnic areas to have BBQs and facilities available to make things more convenient.

Santa’s Workshop

Santa’s Workshop is a small theme park just off Route 86 on the Whiteface Memorial Highway. It was created in 1949 and is the oldest theme park in the United States! Santa’s Workshop is filled with fun just like in the North Pole we all know and love! Visit with reindeer, see the elfs hard at work in the workshop and take photos with santa! This Christmasy village is open in both the winter and summer! Check out their website for more information!

High Falls Gorge

High Falls Gorge is an amazing attraction off route 86 in the Wilmington Notch that prides itself on its scenic waterfalls created over thousands of years. There are over 700 feet of waterfalls: a must see for anyone visiting the area! They have multiple attractions and activities here, all depending on the season, ranging from rock and mineral exploration to snowshoeing, hiking, and various rentals for the winter season.

The Flume

This is one of Wilmington’s hot spots in the summer! It is a chance for people to get out of their house, go to the river, and relax or take a swim. It is one of the more beautiful sections of the river allowing those who are daring enough to walk to the bottom of the gorge or even take a look off the bridge to see a nice series of waterfalls! This is located just outside the main town (on rte 86) as you head towards Lake Placid. There is a pull off spot to the right and left, with the right side offering a walking trail along the river and through the woods that extends for miles. MAP OF TRAILS

Wilmington Bike Park

This Bike Park is special to the town of Wilmington for many reasons! On the surface it is a combination of dirt jumps and an exceptionally designed pump track that is set up to test riders’ skills of all levels and ages, but it is much more than that! The park was designed and initiated by two local youth who felt that the Mountain Bike Community of Wilmington needed to cater to the next generation of bikers as well! So Charlie Wilson and Henry Loher began their project to improve the local bike park with the help of BETA (Barkeaters Trails Alliance). Now after three phases of upgrades and additions the park is a town staple for the youth and the young at heart to enjoy!

Community Garden

Located behind the town offices, the Wilmington Community Garden provides an opportunity for residents to reserve a plot to grow fresh produce with the help of other community members. Learn more by joining the Facebook Page!

Heritage Park

Located next to the Whiteface Mountain Regional Visitors Bureau On Route 86, this versatile park welcomes the public to picnic, admire the sculptures, take in the scenic view of the mountains and fish by the dam.


Our Town is centered strategically in the Adirondack Mountains. Within a short distance from any of our motels and businesses are dozens of hiking, walking, skiing, and boating opportunities!


Here are a few links for other various trails and information in the Adirondack Park surrounding our town and region. Please browse and enjoy. We hope you find these links helpful as you look to get out for a day of enjoyment.

ADK Hiking Guide -Visit

ADK Trail Information – DEC

INFORMATION and HISTORY of Adirondack Park (Wikipedia)