Welcome to another week of some things Wilmington. First and foremost, I
personally want to thank everyone that reached out to me concerning the
Steinhoff’s property and article I wrote last week. The response was nothing short
of amazing. In fact, last week’s article had 12,642 views according to our analytics.
We have connected several people that are interested in this property with the
sellers. As I stated last week, I will personally help anyone interested in this
property or any other possible economic activity that would be in the best
interest of our community.
The Town of Wilmington is seeking a person for the “Board of Assessment
Review” This position is a part of a 3 member board to hear concerns about ones
assessment at grievance day. This position pays a yearly fee of $300. For anyone
interested, please send a letter of intent to our Town Clerk.
I would like to report that the Town has received our annual Water Inspection
from the New York State Department of Health. We are happy to report that we
passed our inspection and a copy of this report is available at the town offices at
the Community Center.
Our STR update for this week includes a Total of 68 units registered with $30,650
collected in registration fees. Our Codes Enforcement Officer continues to inspect
units as time permits.
Be advised that with the warmer weather, the skating rink may be closed in the
near future. If you see “Closed” signs, please respect our request. There is a costly
liner under the ice. However, when there is little ice, the skates can cut the liner.
Our Parks crew will work on rebuilding the rink when it is appropriate.
Jobs. Jobs and Jobs. They are available both locally and for Essex County. We
continue to have a current list of all positions and Civil Service Tests that are being
offered at the town offices. If interested, stop by to check them out.
Plans are currently underway to raise funds for this year’s High School graduate
banners. Every year we are part of a program that recognizes our Wilmington
graduates. Please look for more information soon.
Soon we will be sponsoring an Open House at our Highway Garage. We are proud
of the improvements and repairs and hope residents will check it out when we
have our event.
Well friends, that’s all for this week. See you around town. – Roy Holzer