Doug Nemec
Landfill Attendant


51 Evergreen Lane
Wilmington, NY 12997


Tuesday & Thursday

11:00AM – 5:00PM


Saturdays 8:00AM – 4:00PM

The Wilmington Transfer Station is located at 51 Evergreen Lane Wilmington, NY 12997; off of Bonnie View Road, 4 miles from the intersection of the four corners (Whiteface Highway, Route 86 and Bonnie View Road). From Bonnie View Road, turn right onto Evergreen Lane; the Transfer Station is just past the Highway Garage.

Qualifying trash is weighed, C&D $1.50 per cubic foot. Punch Tickets are required for disposal and can be purchased at the Transfer Station or at the Town Hall in the following denominations; $6.00, $12.00, $18.00 and $24.00.

Recyclables are accepted free of charge. These include glass, newspaper, aluminum cans,#1 plastic (PETE), #2 plastic(HDPE), magazines, catalogs, corrugated cardboard, office paper, junk mail, box board, phone books, paperback books, non-hazardous metals and appliances (a $20.00 fee is charged for the removal of freon).

Monitors and TV’s are .35 cents a pound

Car and trucks tires up to 20” are $6.00 each

Car and trucks with rim up to 20” $7.00 each

Truck tires 20”-24″ $15.00 ; with rim $20.00

Sofas are accepted and assessed $10.00 each.

Mattresses and box springs are accepted and assessed at $5.00 each.
Carpet is accepted; a typical room-sized carpet is assessed $10.00 each.

Brush: will be charged to a nominal fee for residential brush.