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So far AboveSocial has created 179 blog entries.


2024-11-08T16:41:07+00:00November 8th, 2024|

Hello Everyone-- REGULAR MEETING The town board will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the Community Center and can be seen online at https://meet.goto.com/townofwilmington or by phone 1-408- 650-3123 Access Code: 377-399-733. Colin Loher from the Visitors Bureau will be the guest and give an update on what’s happening at the Visitors Bureau and what to expect for 2025. As for the rest, the board will follow up on the preliminary budget to see whether a final budget can be settled, talk about an open employment position, and return [...]


2024-11-01T18:11:23+00:00November 1st, 2024|

SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 11-1-24 A short report this week. ELECTION DAY The voting machine has been delivered. Polls will be open from 6 am to 9 pm on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The town offices will be closed that day. SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting for the town board has been called for 4 pm on Thursday, November 7 th to review and consider contracts between Wilmington and NYS and the AuSable Freshwater Center for the grant to study the sedimentation along the West branch of the AuSable River. The meeting will be held at the Community Center and [...]


2024-10-25T16:49:23+00:00October 25th, 2024|

SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 10-25-24 Trunk or Treat The 7th Annual Trunk or Treat will be held this Sunday, October 27th, from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Mountainside KOA on Rte 86 in Wilmington. For more information, here is a link to the event Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/events/2128389580825922 The weather promises to be more like it—highs on Sunday of 48F with lows that night of 18F. I have a costume that looks warmish, but I will put on the layers anyway. Board Meeting The Town Board meets on Wednesday, October 30th, starting at 6:45 pm with a public hearing [...]


2024-10-21T01:09:15+00:00October 21st, 2024|

SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 10-18-24 The October 4 th Supervisors Report noted the lack of a hard frost and wondered whether we would get snow by October 14 th , my usual benchmark. Well, we got both, and on October 14 th ! This is a real spectacular time of year so long as the clouds don’t choke it out. There can be no real dispute about that, as today’s photograph shows. Thanks to L. Garfield for the photo. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING The Town of Jay hosted an open house yesterday evening to gather comments and suggestions about the future, which [...]

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