Supervisor Report week ending 6/2/23
supervisor report 6-2
AboveSocial2023-06-01T18:38:07+00:00June 1st, 2023|
supervisor report 6-2
AboveSocial2023-05-25T17:42:11+00:00May 25th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 5-26-2023 As I wrote this week's report I thought about the amount of work our town team does in anticipation of Memorial Day. As part of the seasonal tasks, placing our Home Town Hero Banners throughout Wilmington has become the Hallmark of Memorial Day weekend in Wilmington. This year alone, a total of 54 Home Town Hero Banners adorn the streets of our community. I would like to thank our Parks Crew for getting this job done and Michelle Preston for organizing the banner project. As many are aware, Memorial Day is a day for remembrance [...]
AboveSocial2023-05-18T15:43:53+00:00May 18th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR THE WEEK ENDING 5-19-2023 Hello Wilmington! I hope everyone is getting their spring projects completed and feeling productive. I will say that the other day our black fly friends returned with a vengeance and I had to adapt a little. Things like fly spray, long sleeve shirts and netting became part of the tools for completing my tasks. Also, it should be noted that the Town of Wilmington still does treat with BTI in streams, brooks and wetlands to control the flies from getting out of hand. For years, the town has contracted with a company call VectorTech. [...]
AboveSocial2023-05-10T16:26:33+00:00May 10th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 5/12/2023 Hello Everyone. I am excited to share with you some news of a few upgrades in our town park. First, new safety rubber has been added to the base of all playground equipment in the park. The material used is common in recreation areas and is much safer than traditional sand. The base was also recommended by our insurance carrier. The second improvement is some new picnic tables. The tables are steel and coated with a rubber enamel. Plans are being made to purchase fiberglass or resin umbrellas that can be added to the tables [...]
AboveSocial2023-05-05T12:30:07+00:00May 5th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 5/5/2023 Starting this week's report, I want to thank everyone that came out to our Highway Garage Open House last Saturday. Many of the residents that stopped by during the 2 hour event had never been to our facility. Although the reason for the open house was to show the repairs and improvements to our building, many younger visitors were all about the plow trucks and other equipment. I can see this event being held again down the road. NYSEG has made the town aware that there will be some temporary power interruptions on May 8, [...]
AboveSocial2023-04-27T19:25:48+00:00April 27th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 4/28/2023 I think the saying is, “April showers, bring May Flowers” Let’s hope so because we have certainly received a good amount of rain lately. In spite of the weather, roads are getting cleaned. Parks and cemeteries are getting raked up as we prepare for brighter days. Everyone is doing their share. Last weekend a total of 1,000 pounds of debris was picked up around the community by the Wilmington Youth Commission and the Au Sable River Association. Thank You to all that participated in these endeavors. Just a reminder there will be an OPEN HOUSE [...]
AboveSocial2023-04-13T15:20:43+00:00April 13th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 14, 2023 Greetings and thanks for reading another Supervisors Report for this week. Things around town are really starting to come together as both our Parks and Highway Department start to clean and spruce up our community. In preparing for our summer season, we are now accepting applications for both Life Guards and seasonal park staff. For application or more details, please stop by the town offices. Speaking of Jobs, we maintain a list of Civil Service Positions that are open with Essex County. Anyone is welcome to stop in at the Community Center to [...]
AboveSocial2023-04-06T23:33:45+00:00April 6th, 2023|
SUPERVISORS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING 4-7-2023 Hello everyone! After taking last week off in sunny Clearwater Florida and being rested, I feel rejuvenated as I hit the ground running on the various projects we are currently working on. With around 8 months left on my term of office or 268 days, (but, who’s counting. LOL) I really want to leave office with a clear path of the current and future projects associated with town government. I want to extend a thank you to Pastor Grace Govenettio and the Church of the Nazarene for the awesome basket left at the town offices. [...]
AboveSocial2023-04-04T15:40:25+00:00April 4th, 2023|
Minutes of the Town of Wilmington Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting held on the above date at 7:00pm in the Board Room of the Community Center, 7 Community Center Circle, Wilmington, NY 12997 Present: Laura Hooker Zoning Board Alternate Anthony Nickinello Zoning Board Alternate Bill Eaton Zoning Board Member Doug Nemec Code Enforcement Officer Mindy Goddeau Secretary Others: Favor Smith Pat Winch Tina Preston Board Member Adam Coolidge Nancy Gonyea Eric Diehl Michelle Preston Board Member Devan Korn Kristy Holzer Anthony Nickinello called the meeting to order at 7:13pm. Public Hearing: Korn Variance- Devan Korn appeared before the board to discuss [...]