In case of an emergency always call 911.

Wilmington Fire Rescue

1197 Haselton Road
PO Box 425

Wilmington, NY 12997
911 or 518-946-7187 for non emergencies

All-volunteer Wilmington Fire Rescue members provide fire and ambulance services in the Town, 24/7/365. The phone number listed is for non-emergencies only. For emergencies, dial 911.

We are always looking for new members who are willing and able to donate their time to help provide these vital services. If you are a full-time or seasonal resident of Wilmington and would like to become involved, please call or email for information on how you can join.

NYS Police – Troop B

PO Box 147
Wilmington, NY 12997
911 or for non-emergencies
518-946-7181 (Wilmington sub-station)
518-897-2000 (Ray Brook Headquarters)

The NY State Police (Troop B) provides primary law enforcement service in the Town of Wilmington, 24/7/365. They have a sub-station on SR 86 within the Town that is manned part-time. The phone numbers listed are for non-emergencies only. For emergencies, dial 911.

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Region 5 Headquarters
1115 NYS Route 86
PO Box 296
Ray Brook, NY 12997

The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation provides primary enforcement of Environmental Conservation laws within State forest lands, of which most of Wilmington is comprised. Its Forest Ranger Division provides primary search & rescue services in the backcountry (assisted by Wilmington Fire Rescue members). The phone numbers listed are for non-emergencies only. For emergencies, dial 911.