The October 4 th Supervisors Report noted the lack of a hard frost and
wondered whether we would get snow by October 14 th , my usual
Well, we got both, and on October 14 th !
This is a real spectacular time of year so long as the clouds don’t choke
it out. There can be no real dispute about that, as today’s photograph
Thanks to L. Garfield for the photo.


The Town of Jay hosted an open house yesterday evening to gather
comments and suggestions about the future, which will be used to
create a “comprehensive plan”. I visited and chatted with committee
members and attendees and thank them for their hospitality. Jay and
Wilmington are neighbors with a long history and a common set of
Comprehensive plans address where the community sees itself going,
what will it need and how to get there. Housing, parks, environment,
access to medical help, economy, schools. They form the basis for
future zoning laws or revitalization plans or housing plans.
Comprehensive plans also offer guidance and avoid the ad hoc, always
reacting to a need or problem. Finally, NYS requires them when
applying for certain grants.

Jay has board members and volunteers working hard because for
comprehensive planning to be effective it should reflect the will of the
citizens and their best guess about the future. And it should be
reviewed and updated regularly.
I have started reviewing the various plans for Wilmington written over
the years to see whether there is a common starting point or template
to follow. Starting from scratch invites our typical
challenges—personnel, time and money to pay the consultant.

Have a good weekend.
