
A few of us were in NYC for the NYS Association of Towns annual meeting. I took a crash course in governmental accounting and reporting, which, though well presented, is quite a maze for the uninitiated. One thing is certain: towns continue to be strong advocates for their citizens. Towns are nearer the ground. There are 933 towns in New York, and I came away seeing that as an association there are many issues on which we agree. 

NYS Grants 

NYS announced a $60 million grant called “Restore New York”. Applications for grants officially opened yesterday. March 25, 2024, is the deadline for a municipality to file an “intent to apply”. An online instructional seminar is scheduled for February 27th and a few of us have registered. 

Funding can be used for vacant, abandoned, condemned or surplus buildings and these properties can be demolished, deconstructed, rehabilitated, or reconstructed. Because of its population size Wilmington could apply for a grant of up to $2 million. 

More updates as matters proceed. 

Lifeguard Training 


It is never too early to think of summer and those interested in becoming lifeguards this summer should get their Lifeguard and Water Safety Instructor courses done. 

North Country Community College offers the course on four different course dates running this spring and early summer. The course fee is $350.00. Must be 16 years old to be eligible. There is a flyer that will be posted or interested persons can contact Deb Fox (518-637-3855) or 

The Essex County Youth Bureau also offers one certification course at Moriah Central School for March 22, 2024, and March 23, 2024. That was limited to 10 participants, so if interested call Jeanine Melville (609-501-1058) by March 1, 2024. 

Work Session Rescheduled 

The work session scheduled for Wednesday, February 28th is being moved to Thursday, February 29 at 4:00 pm, to be held in the conference room at the Community Center. 

Thanks, Favor