
Short report this week. 

Wind Storms 

Thanks to the Highway and Parks Department for the clean up after that wild wind the other night. When the forecast shows temperatures dropping from 50 degrees to single digits, the wind will be big. Thought the roof was going to come off our house. 

Spring Planning 

Large March snowstorms are somewhat common, so winter isn’t over yet. But the board is thinking spring and summer. The town is planning additions to the playground equipment at the park targeted towards toddlers, and it decided to remove the wooden bleachers at the park and the field that are too steep and have no railings. Thanks to John for gathering the information and we will keep you posted on those projects. Unfortunately, that will be it for the ice rink this year. A new liner for the rink and extra rubber mats will be looked into for next year. Keep fingers crossed that next winter will have consistent cold weather to keep it open longer. 


I am hearing from out of towners that they want to be up in the area for the Eclipse on April 8, 2024 and that many rooms have been booked already. I am interested in hearing from you as well. While we live in a quiet corner of upstate New York, there are millions of people living a 

short drive away. 

Thanks, Favor