What a relief– nice weather has moved into town! I needed a fleece at the summer concert at the
beach last evening.
The beach has been busy, the lifeguards are doing great, and boats are getting rented. The
Thursday night summer concerts started last night with cooler, dryer and beautiful weather.
Last weekend I learned that the beach is not a good location for larger events–and Sunday’s
event was too much. I have already let the organizer know that while it may have been a good
idea when it started years ago, the event was way too large for the beach and the town will
reconsider next year. We were lucky to get enough lifeguards to keep it open and handle the
already large numbers of the people who want to enjoy the public beach. Let's not interfere with
This Sunday (July 21st) is Ironman. The competitors will follow the same route through town as
last year—Route 86 from Jay, right onto Bilhuber Road, left onto Haselton Road, down Haselton
Road until Route 86, right onto Route 86 to the four corners, left at the four corners and stay on
Route 86 out of town. They ride this loop twice.
The town will open Park Lane for local traffic only.
About Haselton Road I have also heard from frustrated residents about the old and unkept
promise to pave it. I had asked about where Haselton Road is on the “paving” schedule and had
been told it was scheduled for August.
But to be honest I am worried Tropical Storm Beryl may delay the paving further. Wilmington
came out of the storm well, thank goodness, but other towns were severely damaged. Many
roads, both town and county, are closed, and it costs shocking amounts of money to repair them.
A small town like Wilmington won't have the money to pay even a fraction of the cost of one
culvert under today's regulations. Essex County has more resources but not that much more
because we have very few people living here.
I will learn more about it when the county reports on what kind and what amount of disaster aid
NYS will contribute.

Let’s end on something pleasant.

The gaga pit is a hit! Today is day 3 of the summer program and the kids have been kept busy
with a variety of games, crafts, projects and exploring trails near the youth center. They ventured
out to the library yesterday and I happened to be at the visitor’s bureau and said hi as they
crossed the street.
Plenty of smiles and chatter—the counselors worked hard on scheduled activities and have sent
updates and photos of what the kids are up to. They will hit the beach next week.
Thanks, and have a good weekend.