Last weekend I had the honor of attending the Wilmington Volunteer Fire
Department & Rescue Squads 2023 Banquet. Being a former Volunteer for over
25 years in that organization, I know how dedicated the members of the
department are. The yearly banquet is a way for the group to recognize members
for their service.
The Banquet started off with Fire Chief Louie Adragna thanking the Au Sable Fire
Department and Ambulance Squad for coverage during the awards dinner. Chief
Adragna also noted Life Time Honorary Members of the department.
Year pins were handed out to the following volunteers, 40 year Pin- Billy
McGreevy, 35 year pin-Marcel Bruce, 20 year pin-Dan Hansen, Trace Button &
Louie Adragna. 15 year pin-Tina Terry Preston, Matt Levenson & Cliff Holzer. 5
year pin-Ben Runyon.
Fire Department “Stork Awards” were given to Marcel Bruce, Charlie Terry, Matt
Levenson, Susan Runyon, Dave Gettens, Tina Terry Preston & Louie Adragna. This
crew was all part of a team that assisted in delivering a baby in Wilmington.
Presentation of Badges to new Firefighters were given to Steven Holzer, Shawn
Holzer and Whit Bissel. To become a Firefighter, 138 hours of actual training and
course work is required. Testing and physical training is done by a NY State
Certified instructor. The 138 hours is totally volunteer time by the members.
Most Calls awards were given to Charlie Terry for the most calls, Dave Gettens for
the second most calls and Dan Hansen for the third most calls.
The evening wrapped up with the presentation of the top awards for the year.
The EMS of the year award went to Dave Gettens and the Firefighter of the year
went to Shawn Holzer. Congratulations to all members and THANK YOU for your
Well folks, the “scammers” are at it again. Recently some residents have received
an official looking lien form that informs the person to call a phone number listed
on the paper. By calling the phone number, the scammers will then try to get your
personal information. Please note that legitimate judgements and liens are filed
at the County Clerk’s Office. Anyone receiving a suspicious “Notice” can contact
the Essex County Clerk’s Office at (518) 873-3600 to check the authenticity of the
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to Congratulate Wilmington’s own
Sam Haselton on receiving the 2023 Northern New York Lumber Dealers
Association Industry Excellence Award. This is in recognition of all his hard work
and dedication he has given the industry. From a community standpoint, I know
Sam has been very dedicated to our community and always “steps-up” when
asked for assistance. I cannot think of a single time when Sam or Haselton Lumber
hasn’t been there for our town. All his efforts and dedication are sincerely
That’s all for this week my friends, see you around town. – Roy Holzer