Starting off this week’s report, I would like to write about something that is more
of a reminder. That is the amount of Deer in our area this year. I am not sure if it
is just me. However, I have seen a lot more deer on the sides of our area roads.
These critters seem to have no fright of jumping into traffic and such. In fact, our
own Town Clerk Dawn Stevens had damage to her car back in July from one of
these fearless animals. Months later she still awaits repair of her car due to a
parts shortage.
Which gets me to the Town Clerks notice to residents that she sells New York
State Hunting Licenses in her office. In addition to Fishing and Hunting Licenses,
Voter absentee applications are also available there. For more information, feel
free to call 518-946-2105
This Saturday will be the Official Bicentennial Time Capsule Dedication ceremony.
All are welcome. The event starts promptly at 10am at Preston Festival Field and
is expected to last about an hour. Our History bit this week is the fun fact that the
stones that will encase the Capsule container are from the stone bridge that was
once in the center of town for decades.
We would like to remind everyone that there are still special canceled
Bicentennial stamped envelopes available at the Town Offices. The unique
cancelation is only one dollar and helps to cover costs of production. There is also
special Wilmington Bicentennial Lapel pins available as well. As we turn the
corner of our Historic milestone, make sure you get your share of Bicentennial
The month of September is Suicide Prevention Month. The Essex County Suicide
Prevention Coalition is working to bring suicide awareness and prevention to our
communities. For the month of September they are sponsoring a “Chalk the Walk
& Have the Talk” on suicide. Basically it is writing positive messages with Chalk on
pavement and sidewalks. They ask you share your creations on social media. This
is just another way of letting others know that people care and there is help.
Check out Facebook @ essexcountysuicidepreventioncoalition. On a somber
note, most everyone knows a friend or relative that has succumbed to this cause
of death. Even in our little “Mayberry”
I am happy to report that the Wilmington Town Board recently approved a
purchase of land to serve as the First Wilmington Homestead Housing. This is so
exciting on many levels. The funds for the land come from a Northern Boarder
Grant. When we get closer, plans are to have an official dedication of the
property. I will keep you posted as other information becomes available.
As a Town Government, work has begun on the 2023 Town Budget. Work
sessions, meetings and shopping around to get the biggest bang of taxpayers
money is our biggest priority. Once the budget is completed, a copy will be
available for residents to review. At least one public hearing will also be held.
Well my friends, that is all for this week. See you around town. –Roy Holzer