The Clerk’s office is the general information center for the Town of Wilmington. The Town Clerk is responsible for the recording and upkeep of all the town’s records.
- DEC Sporting licenses
- Transfer Station Tickets
- Handicap Parking Permits
- Dog Licensing and Renewals
- Notary Services
- Registrar
- Tax Collection
General Postings:
Wilmington Librarys Third Thursdays
Short Term Rental Committee Meeting
Short Term Rental Committee Meeting
Legal Postings:
Notice of Sale of Excess Surplus Property
Notice of Completion of Tentative Assessment Roll
notice of receipt of tax roll and warrant
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Sporting License
Hunting and fishing licenses are available for sale in the Town Clerk’s office.
Please visit the NYS DEC website for fees and requirements:
Purchase DEC Licenses online:
Transfer Station Punch Cards
Punch Tickets are required for disposal and can be purchased at the Transfer Station or at the Town Hall in the following denominations; $6.00, $12.00, $18.00 and $24.00.
51 Evergreen Lane
Wilmington, NY 12997
Also available at the Town Clerk’s Office
Handicap parking permits: both Temporary and Permanent permits are available. You do need a Doctor’s statement. There is no charge for this service.
Dog licenses are also available in the office, New York State requires all dogs be licensed and have their rabies shots. If licensing a new dog, you need to come into the office, if my hours do not work for you for whatever reason please call me and we will find a time that works for you. My number is 518-946 2105, please leave a message if I am not available to answer. I will return your call.
Renewals can be mailed in after you receive your reminder letter, or you can drop them in the mailbox in front of the Town Offices. Or you can come to the office, I am always happy to see everyone!
The Fee for licensing is $10.00 for a spayed or neutered pet, and $20.00 for a non/spayed or non/ neutered pet.
Notary services are also available in the office. There is no fee for this service, but it is appreciated if you call ahead to make sure I am available. (Sometimes I may have training or just be out of the office.)
Registrar: You may purchase your marriage license from this office. The fee for a Marriage license is $40.00. This license is good in New York State, Except New York City where the rules differ.
If you need a copy of a marriage license that you originally got at the Town Clerks office, I can help you with that however there is a fee.
Copies of Death Certificates and Birth Certificates that took place in the Town of Wilmington are also available.
Tax Collection: When you receive your Property Taxes they may be mailed to this office, or brought in person, or just dropped in the mailbox outside the Town Offices. You will always get a receipt for your taxes unless you pay online then you receive a confirmation number from the company that processes the payment, they also charge a fee for this service. There is also a 4-payment option for your taxes, you may call this office after January 1st to get the exact figures.( 518-946-2105) Please make all checks payable to the Town of Wilmington, Tax Collector. The Town Clerk cannot collect your School taxes in Wilmington for either of our school districts.